Islamabad, Oct 29: Pakistan today agreed to hold technical level talks with India on resumption of air links between the two countries on December one and two but made it clear it cannot be linked to restoration of rail links. Responding to India`s October 22 proposals, it proposed to have technical level discussions in the first half of December on resumption of Samjhauta Express.
Making the announcements, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Riaz Khokhar said, "We have carefully studied the Indian proposals and have decided to respond positively. We hope that India would also respond positively to Pakistani proposals."
Referring to India`s assertion that it would hold talks on restoring rail links subsequent to aviation talks, Khokhar said, "We do not accept any linkage in resumption of air link and restoration of rail links."
About India`s proposals for opening of visa camps, he said it was a good idea and in principle Pakistan accepted it but it was not possible given the existing staff strength of the diplomatic missions in the two countries. He proposed restoration of staff strength of the diplomatic missions to 110 which existed in December 2001.

Khokhar said Pakistan welcomed India`s proposal for bus service between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad in PoK but the checkpoints should be supervised by UN officials and people should travel on UN documents since it is a "disputed area".
On India`s proposal for reviving sporting contacts, Khokhar said, "We look forward to sporting ties including cricket...Actually the proposal was made by Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali."
About the Indian proposal on allowing senior citizens to crossover the Wagah border on foot, Khokhar said "There is no difficulty in accepting this."
On additional bus service between Delhi and Lahore, he said "if the proposal for Samjauta Express is accepted by India, I think that this would be far more convenient for people" as bus journey takes 13 to 14 hours.
"However, we will like to propose bus link between Lahore and Amritsar," he said.
On the Indian offer of providing treatment to Pakistani children, Khokhar said "Well, one should not have a one-upmanship on the issue....The heart institute at Karachi has offered treatment for 20 Indian children and we have also approached the Punjab province government for another 20 Indian children in hospitals there."
About the resumption of shipping service between Mumbai and Karachi and restoration of bus and rail link between Khokhrapur and Minabau, Khokhar said, "Both the issues can be part of a composite dialogue between the two countries."
However, he referred to the protest by Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackrey on the shipping service.
Bureau Report