Brussels, July 28: Europe takes its food seriously...or at least the food names. According to European Commission, Champagne, Parma ham, Roquefort cheese and Bordeaux wine ought to be called something else unless they are made in the European towns from which they draw their names. Brussels is planning to take a list of 35 European food and drink brand names to the Cancun meeting of the World Trade Organisation in September after being usurped of the names.
Just one exapmle is a firm in Canada that has trademarked the Parma ham name, forcing the producers from the Parma region in Italy to call their product "super ham". The Commission argues it is not alone in wanting tougher rules on the use of food names with specific geographic origins.
India has also expressed its keenness in ensuring that only the tea grown in Darjeeling be referred to as Darjeeling tea. Bureau Report