Washington, Oct 31: The House of Representatives, putting aside questions about the mission in Iraq, gave strong endorsement early today to a USD 87.5 billion package to sustain US military forces and rebuild the shattered nations of Iraq and Afghanistan. "Congress stood with the president and our soldiers tonight, sending them the support they need to defend our nation and all those working to advance freedom abroad," said Republican Representative Roy Blunt. The package, approved 298-121, includes nearly USD 65 billion for military personnel and operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and an additional USD 18.6 billion for reconstruction efforts in Iraq.
The senate is expected to follow suit quickly, sending President George W Bush a package that closely mirrors his original request.

In a victory for the White House, lawmakers from both chambers worked out the final details of the package Wednesday night, eliminating a senate provision that would have required that half of the money for Iraqi reconstruction and security forces be given as loans instead of grants.
Democrats, while saying US troops must be given full financial backing, used the debate to criticize the scope of the package and the lack of Congressional controls over how it will be spent. Bureau Report