Tokyo, Oct 28: Japanese electronics and entertainment giant Sony is trimming 20,000 jobs, or about 13 per cent of its global work force, in the next three years as part of a turnaround strategy announced on Tuesday. Of those job cuts, 7,000 will be in Japan , the company said in a statement. Regional breakdowns were not immediately available. Sony employs about 154,500 people worldwide. Sony said it will integrate administrative and corporate jobs that overlap and increase efficiency.

The plans include bringing together engineers in the company's home and mobile electronics sectors, such as cell phones, mobile devices, TVs and video-game consoles, to beef up development of computer chips and devices, the Tokyo-based company said.
It also will develop a joint venture to strengthen purchase of liquid crystal display panels and develop next-generation TVs.
"We hope to be able to offer new businesses that take advantage of Sony's unique combination of electronics and entertainment," Sony chief executive Nobuyuki Idei told reporters at a Tokyo hotel. Bureau Report