Music was broadcast over Kabul radio for the first time in five years on Tuesday after opposition forces captured the city from the hardline Islamic Taliban regime, residents said.
They said the opposition's first broadcast since the anti-Taliban forces marched into the city around dawn on Tuesday began with a prayer from the Koran, the Muslim holy book. Before any official announcements were made, a song by popular exiled Afghan singer Farhad Darya drifted out over the airwaves.
A female announcer, another breakthrough in a city where women have been banned from most work and education since 1996, then told the people of Kabul that the Taliban had been defeated and thrown out of the city. “You can celebrate this great victory,” She said.
“We have to thank god for giving us this opportunity for Afghanistan to move toward unity.”
She said people need not fear unrest or disorder during the opposition takeover.
“Your sons will not allow any opportunists to exploit the situation and rob or steal your property,” The announcer said. Be confident and sure that we are in full control.
Bureau Report