New Delhi, July 07: The shares of car major Maruti Udyog would be listed on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange by July 9-10, its managing director Jagdish Khattar said today. Khattar was speaking to reporters after the meeting of Suzuki Motor Corporation chairman Osamu Suzuki with Disinvestment minister arun shourie.

"I have come here to greet the minister (Shourie) about the IPO successfully done," Suzuki said. He declined to comment on the strategy to be adopted by the parent company for Maruti in the future.

Suzuki would also attend the meeting of the Maruti board of directors. This will be the first board meeting after the new management of Maruti took over operations of the company.

The Japanese automaker has a majority control of Maruti in which the government had put on sale 25 per cent of its equity through a recently-concluded initial public offer. Bureau Report