New Delhi, Feb 20: Rural Development Development Minister Kashiram Rana approved a Rs 1,27.71 crore proposal for the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) in seven states of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Nagaland. The proposal, which is the third phase of the yojana, also includes roads proposed by MPs of the respective states, an official press note said. With the approval of this phase, the PMGSY programme will receive a great boost in these states. The roads, measuring 7,582.29 km, will benefit 3,172 villages. For Andhra Pradesh, 1,154.30 km of roads have been approved which will be constructed at a cost of Rs. 142.86 crores. The total number of road works approved is 375, which will benefit people of 597 habitations in the state. The proposal approved include 356 proposals made by the state MPs. For Chhattisgarh (under part II of phase III of PMGSY), 1872.72 km of roads have been approved which will be constructed at a cost of Rs 412.59 crores. The total number of road works approved is 359, which will benefit people of 790 habitations in the state. The proposal approved include 235 proposals made by the members of parliament of the state. In Gujarat, 323.99 km of roads will be constructed at a cost of Rs. 45.21 crores. The total number of road works approved is 142, which will benefit people of 190 habitations. The proposal approved include 107 proposals made by the members of parliament of the state. Bureau Report