Chicago, Sep 16: A US district judge has tossed out a lawsuit accusing former Chinese president Jiang Zemin of torture and genocide on the grounds that he enjoys diplomatic immunity from prosecution. In a ruling filed on Friday, judge Matthew Kennelly of the northern district of Illinois tossed out the civil suit filed in October 2002 on behalf of six unnamed Falun Gong members, saying the court recognised Jiang's head-of-state immunity.
The judge also dismissed claims of human rights violations against the notorious Falun Gong control office, otherwise known as 6/11, saying it did not have jurisidiction over the agency.
In dismissing the suit, Kennelly sided with the US government which filed an amicus, or friend of the court, brief in the case, arguing that Zemin was protected by virtue of his former position.

Thirty-eight members of the us congress also submitted amicus briefs, urging the court to exercise its jurisidiction over Jiang and the control office.
Frederick Rhine, one of the lawyers involved in the case, said the plaintiffs whose names were not released in order to protect family members in China, were considering appealing the ruling.
The New York office of the Falun dafa information center issued a statement in which it said it hoped the plaintiffs would prevail on appeal.
"This case is far from over. In fact, it is just beginning."
Bureau Report