Kolkata, Oct 15: India's tea exports between January and August this year declined by 28.34 per cent to 71.54 million kg from 99.83 m kg in the corresponding period last year, the Indian Tea Association (ITA) today said. In value terms, the export came down by 24.75 per cent to Rs 658.87 crore from Rs 875.58 crore last year, ITA said in a status paper titled 'current tea scenario'.
The decline in volume was mainly due to a severe decline of 20.19 m kg in export to Iraq and another 5.74 m kg to Russia during the period.
Apart from slight increase in export to the USA, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhastan, Afghanistan and other countries, a number of importers of Indian tea, including UK, Poland, UAE and Turkey, had substantially reduced their intake during the period.
The status paper revealed that the world tea exports during the period came down by 39.5 m kg from 574.2 m kg to 534.7 m kg in which India's share was quite significant.
Not only India, other leading exporters like Kenya (5.8 m kg), Sri Lanka (3.1 m kg) and Bangladesh (1.7 m kg) too had registered decline in exports, it said.
The decline would have been more severe had China not registered an increase of 10.4 m kg in its exports between January and June.
China's tea export between January and June was up to 132.80 m kg from 122.40 m kg while that of Malawi was up to 26.7 m kg from 24.2 m kg.
Bureau Report