New Delhi: A lot has been said about the break-up of Bollywood actor Pulkit Samrat and estranged wife Shweta Rohira in the last few days. But this time, it is coming straight from the horse's mouth. The 32-year-old star has reportedly said that he was baffled to see the news reports about their miscarriage.


"I was shocked to read news articles about the miscarriage. I was like, “This is such a personal thing for any couple.” It was a tragic time for both of us. To put it out in public is not right. What shook my faith further was the fact that it was about a pious thing like motherhood, and the person, with whom I have spent so many years, would go to the extent of falsifying facts to malign my image and put it out in the public to gain sympathy," the 'Jai Ho' hunk told HT.

Pulkit further blamed Shweta’s mother for their split. He added, "the third person who is responsible for the break-up is her mother. When a mother starts living her life through her daughter, it’s dangerous. Shweta’s thoughts and decisions were taken by her mother."

The duo got separated in November 2015. Since then, things are turning more bitter with time between Pulkit and Shweta.