Hyderabad, Oct 16: Coming out strongly in support of Uttar Pradesh government, CPI today said VHP activists should not be allowed to enter Ayodhya despite assurances from leaders about the peaceful nature of the rally. "Even in 1992 leaders assured of a peaceful demonstration but we have seen what happened on December 6....We extend our support to Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav's decision to prevent VHP activists from entering Ayodhya", CPI General Secretary A B Bardhan told reporters here today. Taking exception to Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani advising Mulayam Singh "not to adopt confrontationist attitude", Bardhan said, the RSS, VHP and BJP were unanimous on their stand on Ayodhya and the issue was always raised before elections. Accusing Sangh Parivar of using "communal trouble" as a weapon to divide people, Bardhan described the proposed rally by VHP in Ayodhya tomorrow as more political than religious.

Referring to the Centre's move of sending forces to Ayodhya on one hand and asking Uttar Pradesh government to go soft on VHP, Bardhan said, the VHP's intentions of a peaceful rally cannot be believed after the demolition of Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992. Bureau Report