In the first open defence collaboration of sorts since the us lifted sanctions against Pakistan two months ago, American and Pakistani navies would hold joint exercises in the coming weeks. Disclosing this Pakistan naval chief admiral Abdul Aziz Mirza said the exercises involving the warships of both the countries would be held in the next eight to ten weeks.
The invitation for joint exercises has been extended by US and Pakistan navy has accepted it. However, the proposed joint exercises to be held with Iranian navy has been postponed due to prevailing situation and would be held in the beginning of next year, Mirza said. He told the daily 'Jang' that though the US warships operated in close proximity of Pakistan coast since the bombing of Afghanistan began on October seven, the US ships have not entered Pakistan waters even once.
Though there were reports of some fishing trawlers stopped for checking, American ships have not blocked Pakistan's territorial waters, he said adding that commander of Bahrain-based us fifth fleet, admiral more has been in constant touch with Pakistan navy to inform US naval operations a day in advance to avoid any misunderstanding.
Bureau Report