Washington, Nov 26: Congress yesterday approved the first law aimed at stemming the flood of unsolicited e-mail, or spam into the in-boxes of computer users.
By a voice vote, the US Senate adopted the "Can-spam Act of 2003" providing penalties for the most deceptive kinds of unsolicited marketing e-mail.
The House of Representatives on Saturday passed the measure by 392 to 5. Under the legislation, which now goes to the White House for President George W. Bush's signature, e-mail solicitations will have to include an "opt-out" link to click on, prohibits the sending of fraudulent spam and introduces stiff fines for illegal spam messages.
In addition, people who flood the Internet with unsolicited advertisements can be sued under the legislation for damages of up to two million dollars, an amount that can be tripled to six million dollars for intentional violations.
Some big tech firms including America Online and Microsoft have hailed the measure, saying it would help consumers escape the deluge of unwanted e-mail clogging their in-boxes, although critics said the legislation may not achieve the desired result and may even encourage spam.

Bureau Report