The US plans to use ‘smart Or precision weapons’ to the maximum extent during its impending strikes on terrorist bases in Afghanistan but would spare the civilian infrastructure. The centre of gravity, an administration official said, using the military term for an enemy target, is not bridges. It is the taliban.
The US will avoid destroying electrical grids, bridges and water supplies, the official was quoted as saying by The Washington Times. In previous US-led bombing campaigns, such as those against Iraq and Yugoslavia, the Pentagon worked off a broad, or strategic, target list. The targets had included bridges, roads, electrical generators and, in some cases, central water supplies.
US officials said that in the impending campaign against the Taliban, the US will rely on a growing arsenal of smart munitions to surgically separate the Taliban militia from Afghan society.
The targets will include the military that supports terrorists along with Taliban headquarters, meeting places and known hide-outs. President Bush has stopped short of saying that his war of terrorism has a goal of removing the Taliban, but officials have indicated that one objective of air strikes will be to destroy the Taliban's command and control capabilities.
Sparing the civilian infrastructure will allow the Bush administration to show the world that the strikes are against terrorists and not part of a war against the suffering Afghan people, the paper said.
Bureau Report