New Delhi, June 20: Former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Kalyan Singh's allegation that the Ayodhya demolition was done on the directions of top BJP and RSS leaders today evoked mixed response from the saffron parivar with VHP holding him "equally responsible", Sangh expressing surprise and BJP playing it down. "Kalyan Singh's statement is not to be taken seriously as it is on expected lines keeping in view the current political mindset," BJP spokesman Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said over phone from Mumbai.

"He (Singh) is trying his luck with pseudo-secular parties and needs a certificate from his friends that he is not involved in the episode," Naqvi said.

RSS spokesman Ram Madhav said: "It is surprising that after 11 years, Singh, who had been maintaining there was no conspiracy behind the demolition, today finds it opportune to say otherwise."

Madhav asserted that the RSS believed there was no conspiracy behind whatever had happened on December six, 1992 and it was a "spontaneous outburst of pent up anger".

VHP senior vice-president Acharya Giriraj Kishore alleged that Singh was "equally responsible" for the incident. "After coming out of the meeting of BJP and Sangh leaders before December six, 1992, he told me that the structure should be demolished when he is in power but no such decision was taken (at the meeting)," Kishore said.

Terming the demolition as a "spontaneous reaction of kar sewaks", UP BJP chief Vinay Katiyar said, "he (Singh) should not change his philosophy with change of party."

Bureau Report