Washington, Oct 09: US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld complained in an interview out today that the White House kept him in the dark before revamping US-led stabilization and reconstruction efforts in Iraq. Rumsfeld told The Financial Times that he only learned after the fact that the White House was creating a new group, under National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, that will take over some aspects of the occupation.
The New York Times announced the establishment of the "Iraq stabilization group" on Monday, citing a senior administration official who insisted the move did not erode The Pentagon's role as the lead agency in the war-ravaged nation.
Rumsfeld, who identified the official as Rice, said that the decision did not signal a loss of influence in Iraq for The Pentagon, and that he did not understand why she would tout the memorandum to the media.
At the White House, spokesman Scott Mcclellan downplayed the rare public spat, insisting again that "The Pentagon is the lead agency for our efforts in Iraq." The US civilian administration for Iraq, Paul Bremer, "is overseeing the reconstruction effort. Nothing has changed in that respect," said Mcclellan.
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