Chennai, July 18: Hutchison Essar, one of the major cellular operator in the country, on Friday announced that it would invest Rs 200 crore this year for enhanced network coverage in Chennai, its CEO (South) Sandip Das said. He told a press conference that when Hutch was launched in Chennai, it made a commitment to the Chennai customer to provide a high quality service. It had deployed 73 cell sites in the last 45 days and more would come up soon, he said.
He said the Hutch was having 57,000 customers in Chennai.
He also announced a host of customer friendly products, claimed to be first in Chennai.

They are balance linked rate Hutch prepaid, pick five number of cutomers choice on Hutch prepaid and Hutch4help in both prepaid and postpaid.
Under the Balance linked rate, the prepaid customers would be charged at Rs 1.40 per minute depending on their balance that they had. 'more the balance, lesser rate', was the concept, he said. Bureau Report