Afghanistan's anti-Taliban opposition denied Saturday a report that key military leader, General Abdul Rashid Dostam, had been killed.
Mohammad Atta, another commander in the Northern Alliance coalition, said the report by Qatar's Al-Jazeera satellite television channel was baseless.
"I spoke to him just half an hour ago. He was absolutely okay," Atta said.
"He has not even sustained any minor injuries."
Al-Jazeera reported that Dostam was killed a few days ago, quoting Taliban military sources. "General Dostam was killed a few days ago," Al-Jazeera correspondent Taysir Alluni reported from Kabul, quoting military sources. "The news has just been confirmed to use by a Taliban military commander who defied international television stations to organise a meeting with General Dostam to prove he is still alive," Alluni said.
There has been no independent confirmation of the death of the key commander of the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance who is an ethnic Uzbek. An interview with him was published Thursday in the Russian daily Vremya Novostei newspaper.
Atta said on Friday that an eight-man US military team was in the Dara-e-Souf valley of Samangan province, working with Dostam.
Dostam, an Uzbek commander, is one of a range of ethnic warlords who are grouped under the loose opposition Northern Alliance, also known as the United Front.
Bureau Report