In a clash of two former world champions, Viswanathan Anand continued with his demolition work and ousted Grandmaster Alexander Khalifman of Russia in the second round of the Eurotel Knockout chess tournament in Prague.
Another former World champion Anatoly Karpov of Russia struck form to score his biggest victory in the past few years, defeating Braingames match winner GM Vladimir Kramnik 1.5-0.5 to seal his berth in the quarter-finals.
World's highest rated player Gary Kasparov of Russia had no trouble in tackling a rather adventurous GM Judith Polgar of Hungary as he stormed past her 2-0 in the rapid games itself while Bosnian GM Ivan Sokolov did another David v/s Goliath act to beat highly regarded GM Michael Adams of England.
The rest of the results in the pre-quarters were on expected lines.
Bureau Report