New Delhi, Feb 07: Union Tourism Minister Jagmohan today vowed to make efforts 'till the end to clean up the historic Yamuna River alleging that some vested interests had been standing in the way of his attempts towards this direction. "Cleaning up of the Yamuna River is not only an effort to clean up our environment, but also a major work of cleansing our society and our conscience," he said while speaking at a luncheon meeting organised by the Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) here.

''My ambition is to make delhi the incredible capital of incredible India,' he announced.

Narrating the efforts he had been attempting to make the Yamuna River clean and thereby giving a face lift to the country's capital, Jagmohan said all his sincere initiatives, right from the days when he was minister for urban development, had been frustrated by the 'vested interests who had been banking on the 100,000 bonded votes of the people living in slum clusters on the banks of the river.
In this context, he complained that the Delhi government had not implemented even the high court order to evict unauthorised dwellers, who were even defacating in the river.

Jagmohan said the elements of tourism, culture, clean environment and civic life should be combined together and used in a dignified and sustainable manner to promote tourism. An initiative towards this direction had already been made by him as minister. He pointed out how Mahabalipuram, near Chennai, had been restored its glory of the Pallava period.

He said during his tenure, the potential of Indian tourism had been fully utilised. ''this should be taken to new heights,'' he said, pointing out the increase in the number of tourists in the domestic and international sectors during the past few years.

Bureau Report