Nagpur, Aug 31: The efforts of Congress to persuade veteran leaders N K P Salve and Vasant Sathe to revoke their decision about quitting the party over the separate statehood for 'Vidarbha', has failed, Congress sources said here today. However, Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee president Ranjeet Deshmukh was optimistic about an amicable solution to the vexed statehood issue in the wake of the duo quitting the party on the issue recently.

"We are trying our best to persuade them over the implications of their leaving Congress at this juncture when assembly elections are due next year," Deshmukh told news agency here.
"Discussions are still going on with party central leadership on the issue of statehood to 'Vidarbha'. The negotiations would be resumed after two-three days, as Congress president Sonia Gandhi is out of delhi for a couple of days," he said.

Deshmukh admitted that resolution for carving out 'Vidarbha' from Maharashtra was possible since his party was in power in the state, where a resolution can be passed with the help of NCP and BJP, both known for supporting the issue.

Referring to the deadline set by Salve and Sathe, alongwith former MP Banwarilal Purohit, who have announced holding a convention on that date on the issue and floating a new regional outfit he said, "September 2 is not a deadline for Congress and our efforts to persuade them will continue".

Bureau Report