New Delhi, July 22: The US today announced lifting of nearly two-month old travel restrictions to India and said its government employees and their families who were asked to leave the country in the wake of heightened Indo-Pak tensions may return. An announcement by the US state department issued through the American embassy here said ''tensions have subsided between India and Pakistan, although the risk of renewed increased tensions cannot be ruled out''.

It said the authorised departure for US government personnel in non-emergency positions and all family members has been lifted and ''those who departed in early June under the authorised departure may return to India''.


This supercedes the travel warning issued on June 26 in which Americans were asked to defer visits to India. Britain, France, Australia, Japan and some other countries have already announced revision of their travel advisories to those wishing to travel to India.

The state department noted that the ''high level of tension between India and Pakistan that existed at the end of may and the beginning of June has further subsided. This condition reflects continuing diplomatic activity and a return to normalcy in most aspects of public and economic life in India''.

It said ''however, military mobilisation by the two countries remains in place along the Line of Control and the International Boundary, and the risk of renewed tension cannot be totally ruled out''.
Bureau Report