Chennai, Aug 13: Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa said here today that 'nothing untoward' had happened in the state, warranting the use of Art 356. (to dismiss a state government). She made these observations at the secretariat this evening when newsmen drew her attention to the demand of the DMK for appropriate action by the Centre on the Sellur incidents in Madurai recently.
Replying to a question on DMK president M Karunanidhi's remarks that the Centre should not remain a mute spectator but warn the state or seek an explanation on the happenings in Sellur, the chief minister said 'there is no need for any intervention'.
She also rejected the demand of some opposition parties for a judicial probe into the incident, saying 'there is no need for it'.
Jayalalithaa said Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani had replied to her recent letter in which she had demanded the sacking of union minister M Kannappan, from the central cabinet. "I can't disclose the details of his reply'.
She also announced a ban on the Tamil National Movement, led by P Nedumaram. 'The decision to ban was taken at a cabinet meeting on Aug 8 last', she said adding that the media would be told about the ban on MDMK as and when such a decision was taken. Bureau Report