The Indian government is planning on asking for a guarantee from private firms that wish to market oil products after April 1, 2001, that they will invest 20 billion rupees in the hydrocarbon sector, excluding retail outlets, within the next 10 years. The government would, based on the guarantee, provide conditional license to private oil companies to market transportation fuels, a senior government official said.

The investment norm of 20 billion rupees in the hydrocarbon sector by oil companies is part of the Hydrocarbon Vision 2025 document which stipulates that only those firms that have invested in the hydrocarbon sector would be eligible to market oil products after deregulation of the industry on April 1.
Deregulation of the oil sector would allow private oil companies to market fuels like petrol, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas and kerosene, the rates for which are currently administered by the government. Bureau Report