Islamabad, June 20: Former premier Benazir Bhutto's party has flayed Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf for "brandishing" nuclear weapons as a "last hope" and accused him of thus scaring the investors away, during his current visit to Britain. "Flaunting of nuclear weapons yet once again by General Musharraf during his visit to London is most unfortunate and is condemned in the strongest terms," Pakistan Peoples Party senator Enver Baig said in a statement here. Referring to Musharraf's interview to financial times in which he termed nuclear weapons as a last hope Biag said, "at a time when the General should have been seeking to persuade the investors to Pakistan, he chose to frighten them by hurling threats of using nuclear weapons." "Such desperate and threatening comments can come only from a person who lacks legitimacy at home and is fearful of his own survival in office", Baig said.

He said Musharraf should have been talking of peace and harmony rather than "brandishing" nuclear weapons and talking of atom bombs as the country's last hope.

He said Pakistan president should have focussed his efforts to get us and EU countries to withdraw their travel advisories to their nationals to not visit Pakistan.
"The country's hope lies in its people, its youth and in rule of constitution and law and it does not lie in atom bombs," he said adding that "by talking of bombs and weapons in the heart of Europe the General has reduced the investment conference in France to a mere circus at public expense." Bureau Report