More than 200 abortion clinics received threatening letters that contained a suspiciou substance resembling anthrax-laced powder, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) said.
Some of the envelopes, delivered on Thursday by the US express delivery service FedEx, contained letters signed by the right-wing army of god that said the letters were contaminated. Anti-choice extremists have upped the ante with this latest attempt to terrorise abortion providers and those working to protect a woman's right to choose, NAF executive director Vicki Saporta said in a statement.
This is clearly the work of individuals who support terrorism as a means to advance their political agenda, She added. A similar spate of letters was sent three weeks ago to clinics where abortions are performed.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has opened an inquiry into the case.
US Attorney General John Ashcroft recently said those who had orchestrated anthrax-related hoaxes would be severely punished. False threats have multiplied in the weeks following the September 11 terror attacks on the United States and especially since early October, when an anthrax scare erupted. Four people have died thus far, and 14 others have been infected with the deadly bacteria.
Bureau Report