Arabs said that Yasser Arafat's freedom was not enough, calling for full Israel withdrawal from Palestinian territories and an end to the siege at the church of the nativity - and even questioning the deal that allowed Arafat to walk out of his Ramallah headquarters on Thursday after months of confinement. “This is not sufficient, Israel should comply with all Security Council resolutions and withdraw fully from the Palestinian territories,” Arab League spokesman Hisham Youssef told the Associated Press on Wednesday. He added guarantees should be made that Israel would not reoccupy Palestinian cities. He said that Israel should also immediately lift its siege on Bethlehem's church of nativity. Israeli forces have surrounded the church since April 2, when more than 200 Palestinians, including gunmen, took refuge inside as Israeli troops invaded. In a statement on Thursday marking the Christian orthodox Easter, the council of Middle East churches said that celebrations this year would be subdued because of events in the Palestinian territories.
Our hearts are besieged along with those under siege in the church of the nativity in Bethlehem, where the Israeli army is ignoring appeals by the entire world and is continuing to crate the sanctity of holy shrines and kill those who took refuge between the walls of the church, according to the Christian group's statement issued in Beirut, Lebanon.

Bureau Report