Tokyo, June 10: Sony Corp. unveiled a range of high-end digital electronics products today in a bid to empower its brand and differentiate itself from its cheaper Asian rivals. The Japanese electronics and entertainment giant will begin selling the qualia product line in Japan this month, including a us$3,200 disposable-lighter-sized digital camera and a US$20,000 home-theater projector.
It will launch the line in the United States and Europe soon, but the dates have yet to be set, the company said.
Sony's electronics sector has been badly battered by price competition, especially from Chinese manufacturers with cheap labour, and even prized brands such as the Vaio are starting to lose their luster.
Chief executive Nobuyuki Idei said that Sony wasn't aiming to sell the qualia products in bulk, but was instead focusing on quality.
"These products show the dedication and talent of our engineers," Idei told reporters at a Tokyo showroom where the products were demonstrated. "As long as we stay true to this humble attitude of creation, Sony will thrive."
The name qualia comes from a scientific concept that refers to what happens in the brain to enable human feelings and perceptions, Idei said, an idea he ran across in a book by Kenichiro Mogi, a researcher at Sony computer science laboratories.
Sony is studying about 70 qualia proposals in various sectors and is developing 13 other products, although the company refused to give details.
Bureau Report