India has cautioned the international community against accepting the concept of "moderate Taliban," and asked the Security Council to ensure that the Afghan militia are completely eradicated. "There is no moderate Taliban just as there is no good terrorist," Indian Ambassador Kamalesh Sharma told the council.

Participating in the debate on the situation in Afghanistan, he likened Taliban to cancer and said any good doctor would attest that if it is not extirpated fully and to the last cell, it comes back working its malign influence.
"It (Taliban) has no place in any future dispensation in Afghanistan, in any guise whatsoever," he added and expressed India's full support in eradicating the terrorist networks.
Without naming any country, he attacked attempts by Islamabad to have a veto over the future government in Afghanistan and demanded that the new political set up should be decided by Afghans themselves and not imposed from outside in the interest of peace and security. Bureau Report