New Delhi, Oct 31: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Ajit Jogi, who is in the thick of a controversy over distribution of school bags with his picture, today hit back at the BJP-led coalition at the Centre for misusing the official machinery and media for the coming assembly elections. Jogi, who met Chief Election Commissioner J M Lyngdoh at the Nirvachan Sadan, said of late BJP and a few other political parties had been flooding EC with "frivolous, false and fabricated" complaints alleging misconduct not only by the Congress but also the state government.

After an hour-long meeting with the CEC, Jogi told reporters that he has urged the commission to look into the alleged misuse of official machinery by the BJP for electioneering purposes.

Apparently irked over the commission's directive to the state government to remove two collectors, the Chief Minister urged the commission to hear both parties before taking any action.
"It has been my purpose to bring to the notice of the commission, certain glaring incidents of miscarriage of justice. Understandably, this could be due to the gross misrepresentation of facts by the complainants.....Such lapses and miscarriage of justice could not have occurred if the commission had followed the principle of natural justice," he said in a 10-page memorandum to the commission.

Bureau Report