Patna, June 13: At least eight persons received gun shot injuries when supporters of newly appointed Bihar Pradesh Congress Committee (BPCC) president Ram Jatan Sinha allegedly indulged in indiscriminate firing on the busy Boring Canal road area of the state capital today, police said. The injured were admitted to the Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) where the doctors declared them out of danger.

Police said a large number of Congress workers and supporters of Sinha carrying firearms had thronged the Patna airport to welcome him. When the cavalcade of Sinha on way to the party office for his felicitation, reached the intersection of Boring Canal road, the supporters allegedly fired in which at least eight persons received injuries.

Sinha when contacted denied the involvement of Congress workers in the firing and said his convoy was instead attacked by unidentified miscreants.

No arrest could be made in this connection and the police were investigating the incident.

Bureau Report