New Delhi, Dec 01: Cheaper diesel and petrol pushed the inflation, which was on the upswing for the past four consecutive weeks, down by 0.13 per cent to 3.14 per cent for the week ended November 16. The price change fell from the previous week's figure of 3.27 per cent mainly due to falling fuel prices on account of reducing global crude prices following easing of tension in the Middle East with Iraq agreeing to UN arms inspection. The index was 2.78 per cent in the previous year.
The Wholesale Price Index (WPI) fell marginally by 0.1 per cent to 167.5 from 167.6 even as manufactured products' prices soared due to costlier food products, textiles, chemicals and transport equipment.
The final WPI stood corrected at 167.2 for the week ended September 21 as compared to the provisional level of 167.6 and the final point-to-point inflation was 3.34 per cent against the provisional level of 3.58 per cent.
The Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers rose by two points in October to 487 owing to increase in prices of rice, wheat, onion, vegetables, fruits and kerosene oil.
The index for Primary Articles' group fell marginally by 0.1 per cent to 175.6 from 175.7 due to cheaper food items, even as minerals and non-food articles became costlier. The index was 162.4 in the previous year.
Food Articles' group index fell by 0.3 per cent to 181.9 owing lower prices for bajra and tea (three per cent each), fruits and vegetables (two per cent) and rice and urad (one per cent each). Prices, however, rose for jowar (five per cent), maize (four per cent) and condiments and spices (one per cent).
The index for Non-Food Articles' group rose sharply by 0.6 per cent to 164.2 on account of costlier copra (nine per cent), niger seed (seven per cent), groundnut seed, rape and mustard seed and fodder (two per cent each) and kardi seed and sunflower (one per cent each).
There was a four per cent fall in the price of raw silk and one per cent in mesta.
Minerals' group index rose by 0.2 per cent to 119.2 owing to price rise in ochre (86 per cent), fire clay (seven per cent) and dolomite (five per cent).
But there was seven per cent dip in the price of barytes and six per cent in stealite.
Fuel, Power, Light and Lubricants' group, which remained firm for the last three weeks, fell by 0.5 per cent to 240.1 from 241.2 owing to cheaper high speed diesel (three per cent) and petrol (two per cent), even as there was a 16 per cent increase in the price of aviation turbine fuel. The index was 231.4 in the previous year.
The index for Manufactured Products' group rose by 0.1 per cent to 148.5 and the index was 144.3 a year ago.
The index for Food Products' group rose by 0.2 per cent to 154 due to higher prices for rice bran oil (six per cent), solvent extracted groundnut oil and coconut oil (two per cent each) and ghee, all kinds of bran, gingelly oil and groundnut oil (one per cent each).
However, there was a four per cent fall in the price of khandsari.
Textiles' group index rose by 0.1 per cent to 122.6 due to price hike in hessian and sacking bags (three per cent) and texturised yarn and hessian cloth (one per cent each).
The index for Chemicals and Chemical Products' group rose by 0.1 per cent to 173.3 on account of four per cent rise in the price of liquid nitrogen and three per cent in printing ink, even as there was a 10 per cent fall in the price of PVC resins.
Transport Equipment and Parts' group index rose by 0.1 per cent to 147.1 due to a two per cent hike in the price of other automobile spare parts.
Bureau Report