Moscow, Aug 07: Russia today called for a new UN Security Council resolution to give the world body a greater role in post-war Iraq dispensation. "Such resolution should provide a clear perspective for the political solution of the situation in the country and primarily the formation of a legitimate leadership of the country," Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said in an interview to major Russian news agencies.
He said that the new UNSC resolution could provide for the recognition of the Iraqi governing council as an interim administration, which in close interaction with the UN, should set a coordinated time-frame for the adoption of new constitution of Iraq and holding democratic elections in the country.
"Sooner such resolution of the UNSC is adopted, more the world community would have chances to help the Iraqi people in overcoming the gravest crisis," Ivanov said.
Ivanov's statement sets the stage for Russian-US West Asia consultations in Moscow today at which Iraq is to top the agenda of the visiting US Assistant Secretary of State William Burns. Prior to his talks with Burns, Russian interlocutor, Deputy Foreign Minister Yuri Fedotov expressed hope that the US-Russian consultations would help in strengthening the UNSC role in resolving the Iraq situation.
Bureau Report