The Tokyo High Court on Thursday rejected an appeal against the death sentence by Tsutomu Miyazaki, convicted of molesting and killing four young girls and eating parts of some of his victims.
The high court rejected the appeal by Miyazaki and his defence team will now bring the case to the Supreme Court, said a court spokesman.
Clad in white t-shirt and navy jacket, the balding and bespectacled Miyazaki 38, stood motionless when judge Yoshimasa Kawabe read out the ruling describing his crimes as premeditated and of unprecedented viciousness, According to Japan Broadcasting Corp (NHK).

Miyazaki was arrested in July 1989 while trying to molest a girl. He later confessed to having eaten some of the remains of two of his victims. When the death sentence was initially passed in April 1997, it ended a marathon series of trial hearings lasting six years and nine months.
During the hearings, Miyazaki never uttered a word of remorse to the victims and their families.
Bureau Report