Guwahati, Nov 22: With reports of renewed attacks pouring in from different parts of Assam, panic-stricken Biharis have started to leave the state as the situation became tense after today's killings. "Enough is enough and as every day there are killings it has become dangerous for us to stay here,” Munna Bhai, who has been working as a cart-puller in Guwahati city for more than 20 years, said.
The Guwahati railway station resembled a refugee camp for the beleaguered Biharis as they thronged the counters in search of that elusive ticket for safety.
"There is absolutely no point in staying back for livelihood as our lives are at stake now and now I will try my luck elsewhere,” Munna along with his two-year-old son and his wife said at the railway station.
While a section of Biharis staged a peace rally by using more than ten trucks through the city today, others were only interested in getting train tickets.
"I am prepared to even stand all way back to Bihar if granted permission to enter any of the trains,” Ruksana Begum, who lost her husband in the massacre, said.
"I am not safe with my grown up daughter and she is my only concern now,” begun said wiping tears from her eyes. Bureau Report