Islamabad, June 18: A day after Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee accused Pakistan of preparing for a fourth war, a senior cabinet minister said today that Pakistan wants no such conflict, and welcomed further steps toward peace between the two countries. ``We are not preparing for a fourth war against India. We do not want it,'' Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told in Islamabad, Pakistan's capital.
Vajpayee told a gathering in Madhya Pradesh yesterday that ``Pakistan has lost three times in wars. It is preparing to lose a fourth time.''
Ahmed said Pakistan wants peaceful negotiations, including over Kashmir. ``This has been our policy, and this is what we want,'' he said.
He insisted that the insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir is an ``indigenous movement'' and militants were not crossing over from Pakistan.
Ahmed said Pakistan does not have hostile designs against any country.
``We want peace, but if war is imposed on us, then we know how to defend ourselves,'' he said.
Bureau Report