United States on Saturday warned that India would stand to lose more if it stalled the launch of new round by its adamant posture and said that Washington would work constructively for a positive outcome at Doha ministerial meeting for benefit of all member countries. “I would like to say in no certain terms that developing countries like India would be bigger loser by not participating in it,” US trade representative Robert Zoellick told reporters in Doha. Accusing India of harping on implementations concerns to extract more concessions, Zoellick said, “Some concerns are genuine which we would like to address.” Some others he said were to extract unilateral concessions. He expressed optimism over a positive outcome at five-day meet in Doha. He said that in India import tariffs ranging from 20 to 40 per cent was one of the highest and if New Delhi was willing to agree for a reduction in tariff as Pakistan had done to get increased quota from European Union, why not India too get such hike in quota.
Bureau Report