Patna, Apr 23: Prices of fruits, vegetables and foodgrains were reported marginally high today after over 30 hours of Bihar truckers' joining the nation-wide strike to demand stable fuel prices and fewer levies. The prices of fruits, vegetables and foodgrains have risen on an average by Rs 4-5 following depletion of their supply in the wholesale and retail markets.

The usual bustle in the wholesale market of Bazar Samiti in the state capital and other markets was missing in the absence of arrival of goods on trucks from outside and different parts of the state. People have started storing foodgrains and other food items apprehending further rise in their prices because of the strike.

Bihar Motor Transport Federation (BMTF) has called a meeting of its office-bearers here today to review the progress of the strike, its president Jagannath Singh told a news agency. The meeting would also discuss the situation arising out of calling off the strike by the truckers' of neighbouring states of West Bengal and Orissa, he added.
Meanwhile, the state government has ordered the district administration to hire tractors and take the service of state buses and other vehicles to maintain adequate supply of foodgrains and other commodities. The district officials have also been instructed to remain vigilant and not let the black marketeers take advantage of the situation, official sources said.

Bureau Report