Close on the heels of US intelligence officials questioning two Pakistani scientists on their alleged links with Osama Bin Laden's al Qaeda, Myanmar authorities have reportedly granted sanctuary to two other Pakistani nuclear scientists following a request from Islamabad, according to highly placed intelligence sources. The two scientists, Dr Suleiman Asad and Dr Mohammad Ali Mukhtar, have been flown to Sagaing division of Myanmar, after the authorities in Yangon acceded to Pakistan regime's request, the sources said here.
The request made by Pakistan's foreign office was promptly accepted after Islamabad gave an assurance that the duo were not involved in any terrorist activity, the sources said. They said Asad and Mukhtar were involved in the development of Islamabad's nuclear programme and the US authorities had been looking for them too.
CIA and FBI officials had on Tuesday interrogated the other two scientists, Dr Bashiruddin Mehmood, who retired as the chief of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, and Chaudhury Abdul Majid, a former chief engineer, at the American embassy in Islamabad. The two are now reportedly under house arrest. Pakistan had earlier denied reports that the US had sought their extradition. Bureau Report