New Delhi, July 25: As part of a Track II initiative in raising people-to-people contacts between India and Pakistan, a 30 member-Indian delegation comprising parliamentarians, including BJP MPs, RSS leaders, journalists and strategic experts are to visit islamabad for participation in a dialogue with their Pakistani counterparts from August 9 to 12. The delegation is likely to have as members senior RSS leader M G Vaidya, its joint general secretary Sunil Soni, BJP MPs Anadi Charan Sahu, S S Ahluwalia, Vijendra Pal Singh and Balbir Punj and Congress MP Margaret Alva, sources connected with organising the trip said.

The exercise being organised under the auspices of South Asia Free Media Association is expected to be attended by 50 participants from Pakistan. The dialogue is expected to witness a free-wheeling discussion of ideas and is likely to come up with an "alternative formula" on resolution of the Kashmir problem, the sources said. The dialogue is part of an ongoing exercise of informal meetings at the people-to-people level representing all sections of the community and such discussions have been held in Dhaka and Kathmandu prior to SAARC summits.

Earlier in the day, the RSS said it would consider any invitation to participate in a peace dialogue in Islamabad early next month.

"We have not received any invitation so far though we have been told that the organisers were interested in our participation. We will think over it, we are not against it," RSS spokesman Ram Madhav said.

Bureau Report