Islamabad, Nov 05: In a policy paper distributed among US planners and think-tanks, Pakistan has welcomed the recent proposals made by India to improve ties and called upon New Delhi to resume dialogue to resolve all outstanding issues, including the Kashmir problem. "Pakistan welcomes India's response to the proposal made by the Pakistan foreign secretary on Oct 29, though it remains partial and once again tries to exclude core issues like Kashmir," the paper said.

It also urged India to reconsider and respond positively to the proposals made by Pakistan to promote confidence between the two countries and facilitate greater people-to-people contacts, including between Kashmiris.

The paper also claimed that some of the proposals made by India were actually made by Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali.

"This, however, is a limited objective. Pakistan calls upon India to resume dialogue with Pakistan to resolve all outstanding issues, especially the issue of Jammu and Kashmir," the policy published by the local daily 'Dawn' said.

It also noted that India is now predicating greater people-to-people contacts, including resumption of Samjhauta Express and introduction of Lahore-Amritsar bus service.
Bureau Report