Mumbai, Aug 27: Nandita Mahtani says she has no hard feelings toward ex-husband, Sunjay Kapur, now engaged to Bollywood actress Karisma Kapoor. She's the owner of the hip designer store Ananya, with branches in Mumbai and London, and with clients like Elizabeth Hurley, Beyonce Knowles, Preity Zinta, Gauri Khan and Lara Dutta.

But at the moment, the spotlight is on Nandita Mahtani for a different reason. She's the former wife of Sunjay Kapur, who's hit the front pages following his engagement to actress Karisma Kapoor.
Curiously enough, the families of Karisma and Nandita go back many generations, though the two women are only on ‘hi-bye' terms. Nandita says, "There are no hard feelings. Our divorce came through only two weeks ago, though Sunjay and I have been separated for two years."

Nandita, however, says, "What hurts is, when I heard rumours about Sunjay's engagement and asked him about it, he denied it. I wish he had told me himself." Then she shrugs, "But I'm happy for him. He has moved on and so have I."

"Moving on" brings us to the man in her life right now. Does the name Dino Morea ring a bell? She smiles, "Dino is a very close friend. He's been there for me through my tough times. We have mutual friends, but we got closer when we were going through breakups at the same time."
That's all the designer, who has a business degree from American College, London, will talk about her personal life now. Though not trained to be a designer, she believes that her impeccable taste steers her. "My clothes are feminine, sexy, cheerful and exotic. And my thumb rule - never stock clothes that I wouldn't wear myself."