The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved a package of measures totaling more than $ 2.65 billion that are aimed at combating bioterror threats to the nation.
The House voted 418-2 on Wednesday in favour of the bipartisan bill, which provides for additional government spending on improved health care, increased stockpiles of smallpox vaccines and improved protection of US food and drinking water. That we are no longer immune to the threat of bioterrorism is abundantly clear, Republican representative Billy Tauzin, one of the two authors of the bill, said in a statement.
In a post-September 11th world, it's critically important that Congress strengthen our public health infrastructure at the national, state and local levels to better protect the American people. In the wake of the September 11 attacks, the US faced the threat of bioterrorism when a series of letters laced with the deadly anthrax bacteria were sent to lawmakers and media organisations, leaving five people dead.
Investigators have not yet found who was behind the anthrax attacks.
The bill provides more than one billion dollars in grants to states, local governments and public and private health care facilities to improve emergency preparedness, train personnel and develop new treatments. Bureau Report