New Delhi, July 22: Softdrinks major Coca-Cola India has been allowed to again air the sprite commercial on all TV channels by a Faridabad court after it lifted the ban imposed on this ad earlier. Judicial magistrate Rachna Gupta allowed telecast of the Sprite advertisement following a report by the Faridabad deputy commissioner that "there is no apparent violation of the cable television network act and as such no cognisance under the said act has been taken".

A Faridabad resident, chatter pal, had filed a compliant against the sprite advertisement, alleging it ridiculed Amitabh Bachchan and Sachin Tendulkar "who featured in the ad of a competing beverage company."

In its order the court said "the application in question is allowed in part whereby the order refraining the telecast of the commercial in question has been removed...," Coke in a statement said.
Bureau Report