The Hague, Sept 17: The international criminal court for the former Yugoslavia today gave former president Slobodan Milosevic three months to prepare his defence on charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Milosevic had asked for a two-year period.

The case against Milosevic opened in February last year, and the prosecution was expected to wind up its case by the end of this year.

If the defence obtains an equivalent period, the trial is likely to stretch into 2005.

In an attempt to prevent the trial's continuing indefinitely, the court told Milosevic that he will have six weeks to present a list of defence witnesses.

He was granted office space in the court and guaranteed confidential contact with his witnesses.
Milosevic is accused of being ultimately responsible for crimes committed during the three major conflicts during the breakup of Yugoslavia -- Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

Bureau Report