New Delhi, Nov 03: Observing that some of the recent events have put the united nations in a "very difficult" situation, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee tonight said it was necessary that the "prestige" of the world body be restored. "Some of the recent events have put the UN in a very difficult situation. Even the Security Council was not functioning as it should have been," Vajpayee told reporters after witnessing the signing of six agreements between India and Hungary alongwith his visiting Hungarian counteraprt Peter Medgyessy.
Vajpayee, who held restricted and later delegation-level talks with the Hungarian leader, said "it is necessary that the prestige of the UN is restored. It is the only international organisation which can look after the interests of the entire human kind. Things are improving but they have to improve more."
The two sides inked an agreement on defence cooperation which provides the broad framework for cooperation in the supply of defence equipment, spares, training of technical personnel in each other's country and exchange of information.
An accord on bilateral promotion and protection of investment and another on double taxation avoidance were also signed by the two countries.
The two sides initialed a memorandum of understanding in information technology and services, and two other agreements on cultural and education exchange programmes.
Exim banks of the two sides have agreed to extend a USD 10 million line of credit each to finance bilateral trade.
Bureau Report