Lucknow, Sept 16: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav today assured the state assembly to look into the suggestions regarding formation of Budgetary Committees and also to enhance the legislator's fund. Raising the issue through a question of propriety, Lakshami Kant Vajpayee (BJP) said the proposal to constitute budgetary committees on the lines of the Lok Sabha was pending for a long time and the government should clear the deck for their formation at the earliest. Congress member Ram Naresh Yadav also supported Vajpayee's demand. Pramod Tiwari (Congress) said the nomenclature of the legislator's fund should be changed to 'constituency development fund' as the present name was causing a lot of misgivings among the masses.

The present nomenclature gives an impression as if the fund was given directly to legislators whereas they have only advisory role as far as spending of fund is concerned, he added.
Bureau Report