Cairo, Feb 22: An emergency Arab summit on Iraq and the Palestinian question will be held in Egypt in the week beginning today, a government spokesman confirmed here today.
"The summit will be held next week (after the Muslim weekend next Saturday) in (the red sea resort of) Sharm el-Sheikh," the spokesman said in a statement. The heads of state had originally been due to meet in Bahrain on March 24.
Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak called for the summit yesterday so that Arab leaders could "agree on a unified position, make our voice heard and influence the decision makers," referring to the united states and Europe. He acknowledged that the Arab states were limited in their ability to prevent a war but stressed they must "put in a word".
"No one can stop war, but we can influence the decision makers before the outbreak of a war," he said. "The situation is difficult, sensitive and very complicated given that the war machine is continuing its preparations" to launch an attack on Iraq, he said in reference to the massive US and British troop buildup in the Gulf.

"We cannot stop the military machine, but we can influence the situation and look for a peaceful solution," added Mubarak.
Bureau Report