Washington, June 21: Armed with improved intelligence and stronger law enforcement powers, the FBI is making progress in the war on terrorism and identifying potential al-Qaida operatives in the United States, FBI director Robert Mueller said. The best evidence, Mueller said, is that no catastrophic terrorist attacks have occurred since those in New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001.
"I think we've been successful to a certain extent in disrupting al-Qaida," Mueller said before a National Press Club audience. "But that war is not over. The threats are real."
The U.S.-led removal of al-Qaida's training camps and bases in Afghanistan was a major setback for the organization, Mueller said. Its leaders scattered, al-Qaida now has no sanctuary from which to attempt to build chemical, biological or nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction, he said.
Greater cooperation between the FBI, CIA and their foreign counterparts has also been a major factor in progress against terrorism, Mueller said. The capture of senior leaders such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in Pakistan has added to an intelligence haul that provides a clearer picture of al-Qaida's presence in the United States.
"Out of that, I will tell you there have been a number of pieces of information that have proved helpful," Mueller said. "Every month, I get more comfortable that we do know who we have here in this country." Bureau Report