Mumbai, June 15: Special investigative team probing the multi-crore stamp paper racket suspects the involvement of public servants and politicians in the scam and is hoping that custodial interrogation of suspended police inspector Dilip Kamat, who has been arrested under a stringent Maharashtra law, will throw light on this aspect. In a significant revelation, sit told a court in Pune on June 13 that there is a possibility of involvement of some public servants and politicians in the scam and custodial interrogation of the suspended cop may reveal more about this.
Kamat has been charged with offences under Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA). The main charge faced by him is that he was shielding prime accused Abdul Karim Telgi.
Sit was baffled to learn that Telgi was taken to Goa, probably for investigations by Kamat, who was probing the case earlier. However, this visit was not mentioned in official records, sit sources said.
How and why Telgi was taken to Goa are the questions that remain unanswered and might be solved with custodial interrogation of Kamat.
Sit also learnt from a statement of co-accused Jamir that Kamat had recovered Rs 33 lakh from him but this amount has not been shown in the records. Where the money has gone is not known yet but Kamat may have an answer, the sources added.
Sit also recovered a diary from another co-accused which carries an entry of Rs 50,000 paid to Kamat. The arrested cop will also be questioned on this aspect, the sources added. Bureau Report